Peers form a peer-to-peer network of nodes. 对等节点形成了一个对等节点网络。
This allows laptops to autonomously route packets between themselves in a peer-to-peer network ( without the need for a separate router). 这使得膝上型电脑可以在一个对等网络中(无需单独的路由器)彼此自主地传送包。
Trust model to peer-to-peer network environment based on time decay 对等网络环境下一种基于时间衰减的信任模型
Efficient Top-K Query Processing in Central Peer-to-Peer Network 集中式P2P环境下有效的Top-K查询
Facing the shortcoming of Peer-to-Peer system, this paper proposed an efficient search model based on probability and response time for un-instructed Peer-to-Peer network. 针对现有无结构P2P系统的缺点,结合查询到目标对象的概率以及查询响应的时间,对原算法加以改进。
Mobile Peer-to-Peer Network Architecture Research and Design 移动对等网络体系结构的研究与系统设计
The Dependable Routing Rule in the Community Sensitive Distributed Routing Protocol for Peer-to-Peer Network 对等网络中基于团体的分布式路由协议中的可靠路由规则
Research of Routing Algorithm in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Network for Heterogeneous Environment 异构环境下非结构化对等网络路由算法研究
Peer-to-Peer Network Reputation Evaluation Algorithm Based on Transaction Audit 基于交易审计的对等网络信用评估算法
In the peer-to-peer network based on Distributed Hash Table ( DHT), the structure of routing table impacts the efficiency of searching keywords. 在基于分布式哈希表构造的对等网络中,路由表的结构影响关键字的查询效率。
A Peer-to-Peer Node Authentication Method in Peer-to-Peer Network 一种P2P网络中对等结点间的身份认证方法
Researches on the Key Technologies of High Performance Computing Based on Structured Peer-to-Peer Network 基于结构化对等网络的高性能计算平台关键技术研究
A Reputation System with Dishonest Feedback Detecting Based on Peer-to-peer Network 基于对等网络的带虚假反馈检测的声誉系统
Peer-to-Peer Network Model with Three-tier Topology Based on Auto Clustering 基于自聚簇的三层结构P2P网络模型
Trust Management Model Research in the Peer-to-Peer Network Environment Based on Reputation 基于信誉的P2P网络环境下信任管理模型研究
Research on Topology-aware Peer-to-peer Network Base Whois 基于Whois的拓扑感知P2P研究
A Mobile Peer-to-Peer Network Model for Cellular Wireless Networks 蜂窝网中使用Peer-to-Peer的网络模型
It was a simple peer-to-peer network where users'computers would just call each other at night through their old-fashioned modems, exchange information and then move on. 他是一种极其简单的点对点的网络服务,使用者可以简单的再晚上通过古老的路由器呼叫其它人,交换信息。
Research on Resource Searching Strategy in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Network 移动对等网络(MP2P)资源搜索策略研究
Peers have their own characteristics in peer-to-peer network. 对等网络中的节点有其固有的属性特征。
Conflict Detection and Handling Method of Synchronous Control in Peer-to-Peer Network 对等网络同步控制中的冲突检测和处理方法
Framework of software component query and access control in peer-to-peer network 对等网络环境下的构件查询访问控制框架
Improvement of Searching and Routing Algorithm in Chord Peer-to-Peer Network 对等网络Chord搜索路由算法的改进
Research on the Construction of Semantic Knowledge Map under the Environment of Peer-to-peer Network 对等网环境下语义知识地图构建的研究
Discusses and summarizes some methods about location in peer-to-peer network and P2P application framework; 讨论和总结了P2P网络中对等点的定位以及基于P2P模型的程序框架。
The framework combines concepts and techniques from peer-to-peer network, grid computing and services-oriented architectures. 该框架融合了对等网络、网络计算及面向服务体系结构的概念和技术。
It consists of three layers: Peer-to-Peer network abstraction layer, multicasting service layer and multicasting application layer. 将应用层多播自下而上分为三层:Peer-to-Peer网络抽象层,多播服务层和多播应用层。
The development of peer-to-peer network, especially DHT, provides an effective technology to integrate network edge resources. 对等网络,尤其是DHT网络的发展,提供了一种有效整合网络边缘资源的技术手段。
Peer-to-Peer network has received more and more attention by its good fault-tolerant, auto-organized and the resources sharing extendibility. P2P网络技术以其良好的容错性、自组织性和资源共享的可扩展性受到越来越多的关注。
P2P ( Peer-to-Peer Network) is a system with completely decentralized self-organization and resource usage. 对等网络(Peer-to-PeerNetwork,简称P2P)是一个完全非中心化、自组织的资源使用系统。